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4 reasons why washing your face with cold water can be good for your skin


In times of pandemic when we all are stressed put by many things, finances being a major component, there are simple, effective and cheap ways to still keep that glow intact. How often have you noticed a little puffy in the morning just when you are up from the bed? One of the common reason is that when we sleep our cells regenerate hence our pores expand and our faces seems a little puffy. But stress, tension, no sound sleep and sometimes food allergies can also be the reason for the slight puffiness near the eyes and on your face. Splashing some cold water not only helps to bring down the puffiness but it also cleans the excess oil that builds on the skin overnight, giving you that fresh dewy morning look: Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of washing your face with cold water often:

1. Just like rubbing an ice cube on your face is a skincare must for many, so is washing the face with cold water. Both of these techniques can make your skin look younger. Simply splashing your face with cold water can reduce the fine lines and wrinkles on your face considerably.

2. Washing your face with cold water can also help you to take care of your skin’s dullness. A little bit of cold water can rejuvenate your skin and can make you feel more energised. Coldwater also helps as it pump more blood to your skin making it look more radiant.

3. Washing your face with cold water closes your pores. After washing your face with hot water, splash some cold water on it so as to close those pores. Splashing some cold water in your eyes can also soothe them.

4. Coldwater is a great way to get rid of the harmful effects of sun’s rays, as cold water tightens and protects the pores that get opened up when the skin is constantly exposed to the sun’s harmful rays.

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